Tag Archives: Колесо года: Лита-Ламмас

Говорят, в США месяц черники

“Blueberries are native to North America. The American Indian had another name it—that of the Star Berry. This was because the blossom end of each blueberry formed a five point star. It was believed the Great Spirit, responding to the cries of starving children during a great famine, sent star berries to save them.

The Natives often and dried and smoked the pungent berries to eat during the barren winter months. The Indians used blueberries for seasoning too–pounding them into raw meat, then smoking and drying it. The berries were often dried, beaten into a pulp and combined with cornmeal, honey and water to make a tasty pudding called “Sautauthig.”

Native Americans also used blueberries for medicinal purposes. They made a strong aromatic tea from the root which was used as a relaxant during childbirth. Early medical books show this same tea was used by settlers for “old cough” and easing labor pains. Tea made from wild blueberry leaves was believed to be a tonic to help purify the blood”.
Любите ли вы чернику, как люблю ее я? В прошлом году в это время сезон черники уже шел на спад и я готовила черничный пирог, едва поспевая за ягодой. В этом году, пеку из прошлогодних замороженных. Новых удовлетворительного качества и цены пока не нашла. А у вас как с черников?